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Roll back the years.

Another few pictures to browse over.

JP Dowdal with Aidran Lewis at his exhibition in Brannigan’s August 2011

Pictured at the James Wade exhibition at the Sunset Ridge Pat O’Connor, PJ Coogan, Sean Leahy, the late Tim Jones and Wade himself.

Members of the double winning Cork men’s and ladies teams at the Joshua Tree after the great weekend at the INDO inter-counties championships.



our very own voice of the CDO Sean Leahy back in the day, pictured at the Ardmanning.

St, Vincent’s B and C cup winners at Delanys club in November 1995.
Some heads in their include Buller, the late Diane McCarthy, Bertie Cotter, Darren Downey, William Goulding, John Wallace, Stephen O’Connor, Derek Sheehy, Willie Murphy, yours truly.
This picture was snapped around 3 in the morning.
At the time the competition was ran off from the quarterfinals down on the one night, disaster.

Undated picture of the ladies from the Anglers, included are Sadie Hurley, Catherine O’Mahony, Noreen Hosford, Eileen O’Neill, Theresa O’Brien and Phyliss Murphy.


About Frank Goulding