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Joshua Tree, Ma Dullea’s, D’Anglers call the tune

It was music to the ears of all Cork Darts Orginisation members when the Chairman, Frank Goulding, announced the re-commencing of all CDO leagues once the news broke of restrictions being lifted. All men’s teams across 4 divisions took to the oche on Monday last and Sean Leahy, of the Joshua Tree said, “It’s great to have Monday nights back again”.  The Ladies league started back on Thursday night with a full set of fixtures.

But due the introduction of restrictions putting a halt to all games during the previous season, there were still semi-finals and finals to be played. These were scheduled for Friday night last.  The Groves bar, Blackpool hosted the Super division semi-finals & final. In the Semi-finals, the Joshua Tree overcame the Groves 3-0 and the Stables beat the Cow bar 3-1. 

The Stables got off to a flying start in the final with wins from Greg Byrne and Gary Halpin beating Kevin McDonnell and John Paul Dowdall. The Josh were in deep trouble and needing the 3rd game to remain contenders, and it took William Fouhy to beat Paul O’Connell to keep their hopes up.

Next in was Damian O’Driscoll and he came out on top with a 3-1 win over Anthony Austin.  The 5th and deciding game was Stevie O’Connor for the Joshua Tree against the Stables’ John Nyhan. In a class display from O’Connor, he won the final game 3-1 and sealed the victory for the Josh.

Joshua Tree who were winners by 3-2 in the final of the CDO Super league final against the Stables

The semis & Final of the 1st division was held at the Glenryan Tavern. In the semis, Ma Dullea’s beat the Gallows 3-0 and Hannah Bawns were nudged out 3-2 by the Residence.  Ma Dullea’s won the final 3-1 and dedicated their win to the late Jim “Buller” Mullane.

The local held the 2nd Division battle and results from the semi-finals were; Glenryan 0-3 Jack Fordes & D’Anglers 3-0 Aunties.  D’Anglers claimed the title with a 3-0 victory.

Jamie Farrell recent winner of the Cork Youth Darts trials 2, being presented with his award by Elaine Fitzgerald of CYD

In the youths, Cork Youth Darts held 2 trials recently at the Harp Bar and Riverlane. With 26 entries in both, it was Farranree’s Craig Bowen that claimed the first ranking title, beating Liam Heffernan from Fermoy, in an epic final. Commiserations to Liam, who put up a great fight in the final, and there is no doubt that he will bounce back. Adam Harrington won the shield, beating Shane O’Brien, 2-1. The winner of the 2nd trial, held on Saturday last at the Riverlanse, was  Jamie Farrell, from Ballyvolane, beating Ian Kelleher 2-0 in a fantastic final. Craig Bowen won the shield, beating Jack Lehane 2-0. The next CYD trials will be at the Harp bar on Saturday 19th  February at 12pm.

Craig Bowen recent winner of the Cork Youth Darts trials 1 being presented with his award by Elaine Fitzgerald of CYD

Mark Farrell

About Frank Goulding